Saturday, March 13, 2010

Hering's Law of Cure part 1

Bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms are present in the environment and the contaminated us, the the different manners and we know the diseases by different names and types . 200 year ago one man coined the term Miasm for these different types of diseases, and he was you better know him, he is none of them the Great Dr. C.F.S. Hahnemann.
Dr.James Tyler Kent Says that "The bacteria are results of disease. In the course of time we will be able to show perfectly that the microscopical little fellows are not the disease cause, that they come after, that they are scavengers accompanying the disease, that they are perfectly harmless in every respect.They are outcome of the disease, are present whenever the disease is and by microscope it has been discovered that every pathological result has its corresponding bacteria."

He was a great follower of master Hahnemann and one of our inspiration, but i am not satisfy with the above statement of Dr.Kent.
I would like to explain what i am thinking about the Homeopathy and microbiology.
Every body knows that all the microorganism are generate in certain favorable environment, which we cause the exciting causes of acute disease in Homeopathy. These exciting causes such as environmental factors Rain, summer, extreme winter, humidity. Unhygienic conditions where there are chance to survives of microorganism and they cause the certain type of disease.
For example if any person who leave in slams which is unhygienic is supposed to be victim of Cholera, which is caused by Vibrio Cholera and it is present in the winter, milk, stool contaminated with excreta of patient or carriers. This acute condition we called as Acute Miasm because miasm is nothing more than the noxious agent which infect us.
In another example of infection are eczema which is caused by external or exciting causes (such as irritation allergic contact, reaction to exposure to certain microorganism occupational and non-occupational, chemical) and constitutional or predisposing factors.These are also include in acute miasm.
Homeopathically say that says they all disturb the vital force and make us DIS-EASE (DISEASE, uncomfortable). If these condition of acute miasm are not to be cured by rational system of medicine (which is Homeopathy); and only treated by orthodox practitioners; they only suppress the crying vital force manifestation by sign and symptoms. This suppressed condition behave like a nuclear bomb in which nuclear fusion occur and one day blast for more disasters of humankind. As like in nuclear fusion all the atoms are combined to form a bomb, likewise various type of acute miasm combined from chronic condition or chronic diseases.

Healthy vital force or strong immunity-------->> Noxious agents (Miasm) influenced by exciting causes ------>> Immunity or vital force become weak and sign and symptoms of disturbed first shows on the Skin in the form of certain types of eruption and itching.---------->>>Treated by homeopathy.Remedy acts on the vital force by its primary action and the secondary action is awakens the vital force(immunity) for fight against noxious agents.

If Untreated or treated by orthodox practitioners by ointments antibiotics and many other drugs causes suppression of sign and symptoms it the suppression of disease.The suppressed acute diseases goes into Latent Psora(Psora is mother of all diseases. Psora is diseased caused by noxious agents and produce symptoms on the skin first.) If the latent psora is convert into the fully developed psora and not treated by homeopathically, it supposed to be go into Psoric Miasmatic condition.

This Psoric conditions will converted into Sycotic condition and syphilitic condition. I mean to say that In the Psoric person who was previously affected by the certain type of suppressed disease are prone to be some more dangerous infective noxious agents sycosis and syphilis

We all know that sycosis is wart caused by papilloma virous and the synonyms are condyloma, Keraotsis, seborrheric sycoma venereal wart and Gonorrhea is caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Both wart and gonorrhea are sexully transmitted disease.If this condition is not treated or suppressed it will goes into SYCOTIC MIASMATIC condition which lead to another sexually transmitted disease syphilis which is caused by Treponema pallidum, a spirochete that is transmitted by direct contact between humans. If syphilis disease is not treated or suppressed it become disaster Syphilitic Miasmatic condition.

Now one question is that why we called PSORA, SYCOSIS, SYPHILIS is PSORIC SYCOTIC AND SYPHILITIC misasmatic conditions, what is the difference between Psora ans Psoric; sycosis ans Sycotic; Syphilis and Syphilitic.

Psora, sycosis and syphilitic are diseases and only shows their effect on body but the psoric sycotic and syphilitic are the miasms they included the whole economy of human, the whole Body Mind Nature of human being and disturb the mental level as well as body , and these miasmatic conditions are able to destroy the upcoming human generation. Now we have three misamatic condition Psoric, sycotic and syphilitic, which show their effect idividually or combined with each other





Today,NO one person have only one miasm, we are bread of combination of one of these condition which mention above.


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