Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Homeopathy and Genetic???????

You all are well qualified homeopaths and i respect your thought. I know one thing that homeopathy able to change the life and the way of thinking whether its depend on genes or not.I think Vital force is not a combination of two word, it bears whole philosophy and scientific theories and law of the natures, i thinks that Hahnemann sir was try to defined the process of human mechanism in his time without any well designed instruments and with the persons whose didn't know anything about the inner structure of body, At the time of Hahnemann sir there are no well developed branches of science, how can we say that he was not talking on the genetics.

What will you do if any person who is illiterate and don't know how the body works. Maybe you try with your best weapons to explain the idea and working process of body and you said that its a Vital force which is SPIRITUAL(Not Spiritual at all) Dynamic power of the body which governs our whole body function in the state of harmony. Like God governs us.

Assume that you have time machine and you go back to the time of Hahnemann or more year back and then ask the persons of that time "Did you know what is the RBC, WBC, and many other terms of todays science" I bet that you will listen some moaning of the peoples of that time that you are mad and have some devil spirit. Then you
realize that you have wrong approach to explain the terms of homeopathy and you said that God governs are life and he created a force which is vital (can't see it any more and not feel it) in nature. which is spiritual and dynamic and automatic and autocratic force. Then the peoples say that yes you are right.
So tell me how can Hahnemann was wrong in the explanation of idea of mechanism of body. He was used some simple terminology for this.

I think he was actually described the process of gene recombination, replication, transcription. And we are waiting from 200 year to someone come and dig the human body and try to explain us about the process of gene working.
Sorry for all this but this is my thinking that Hahnemann want to explain us about the genetic but unfortunately he was born in that era where no technology for this stuffs.

We said that we are governed by vital force till death and its not present in the dead bodies. Because without vital force all the things in world is martilistic. But what is matrialism.
Take a glass whcih is material in the formation, threw it on the floo, what will happen,the glass is broken, why? because there are some force working on it, which we called by many names. Another example of this, look at the dead body, which we think that its matrielistic now after the death of persons, then why its attracts the fleas and bugs and many other insects to produce and grow them on the dead body. I thinks there are something present in the dead body which is working after death(without the vital force).
So please tell me what is the vital force if its present after the death of persons.

I think that Vital force is nothing but its a combination of certain chemical process of the living and dead bodies or any other substances of the world. In the body.

When you see the delicious food there are scretion of slaiva and gastric juice produce in the stomach which makes us hungry and we get the food for fulfill our hunger.

When touch the anything hot or cold what happens, Several thermal receptors give us order to back off the hand from the hot and cold thing.

If we injured what will happen, we screems from the pain, pain is nothing but the sensation of that something worng happend with us, and it can be flow precived by pain receptors and converted into certain chemical process then we feel pain. If we not feel the pain than that's mean there are something missing in the cordination of the chemical process of body.

If we think about sex them then we will know that there are hormanal change occurs in our body and where it come from, certainly from the Hypothalamus and transfer from the nerve to glands and stimulate to production of hormones.

If we look at on the above examples then we know that the combination of receptors, nerves, tissues, cell and body.

So now what is vital force.

The vital force is the Chemical coordination of the Nereves, cells , tissues, many chemicals and their products. The perfect balance of these chemical of the body is make us in the harmonious state, without any disease. Its is dynamic because we can't see this, it is automatic and autocratic.
Now we tlk about the inner nature of cells, The gene is the minute thing present in every cells. A gene is a unit of heredity in a living organism. All living things depend on genes. Genes hold the information to build and maintain an organism's cells and pass genetic traits to offspring. A modern working definition of a gene is "a locatable region of genomic sequence, corresponding to a unit of inheritance, which is associated with regulatory regions, transcribed regions, and or other functional sequence regions ".

So its confirm that gene is the only agent to govern all the body for our higher purpose of living, and the higher purpose of living is that we produce healthy similar offsprings.

Now, we can able to say that homeopathy is work on the genetic level. Look if any person have disturbance in the coordination of the chemical substances which is commonded by the gene, and transfer from the generation to generation. We see the many cases of genetic disorders.

Genetic Disoder :

A genetic disorder is an illness caused by abnormalities in genes or chromosomes. While some diseases, such as cancer, are due in part to genetic disorders, they can also be caused by environmental factors. Most disorders are quite rare and affect one person in every several thousands or millions. Some types of recessive gene disorders confer an advantage in the heterozygous state in certain environments.[1]

1 Single gene disorder
1.1 Autosomal dominant
1.2 Autosomal recessive
1.3 X-linked dominant
1.4 X-linked recessive
1.5 Y-linked
1.6 Mitochondrial
2 Multifactorial and polygenic (complex) disorders.

Single gene disorder

Prevalence of some single gene disorders[citation needed]
Disorder Prevalence (approximate)
Autosomal dominant
Familial hypercholesterolemia 1 in 500
Polycystic kidney disease 1 in 1250
Hereditary spherocytosis 1 in 5,000
Marfan syndrome 1 in 4,000 [2]
Huntington disease 1 in 15,000 [3]
Autosomal recessive
Sickle cell anemia 1 in 625
(African Americans)
Cystic fibrosis 1 in 2,000
Tay-Sachs disease 1 in 3,000
(American Jews)
Phenylketonuria 1 in 12,000
Mucopolysaccharidoses 1 in 25,000
Glycogen storage diseases 1 in 50,000
Galactosemia 1 in 57,000
Duchenne muscular dystrophy 1 in 7,000
Hemophilia 1 in 10,000
Values are for liveborn infants

A single gene disorder is the result of a single mutated gene. There are estimated to be over 4000 human diseases caused by single gene defects. Single gene disorders can be passed on to subsequent generations in several ways. Genomic imprinting and uniparental disomy, however, may affect inheritance patterns. The divisions between recessive and dominant types are not "hard and fast" although the divisions between autosomal and X-linked types are (since the latter types are distinguished purely based on the chromosomal location of the gene). For example, achondroplasia is typically considered a dominant disorder, but children with two genes for achondroplasia have a severe skeletal disorder that achondroplasics could be viewed as carriers of. Sickle-cell anemia is also considered a recessive condition, but heterozygous carriers have increased immunity to malaria in early childhood, which could be described as a related dominant condition.[citation needed] When a couple where one partner or both are sufferers or carriers of a single gene disorder and wish to have a child they can do so through IVF whichs means they can then have PDG (Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis) to check whether the fertilised egg has had the genetic disorder passed on.[4]

Autosomal dominant
Main article: Autosomal dominant#Autosomal dominant gene
Only one mutated copy of the gene will be necessary for a person to be affected by an autosomal dominant disorder. Each affected person usually has one affected parent. There is a 50% chance that a child will inherit the mutated gene. Conditions that are autosomal dominant often have low penetrance, which means that although only one mutated copy is needed, a relatively small proportion of those who inherit that mutation go on to develop the disease. Examples of this type of disorder are Huntington's disease, Neurofibromatosis 1, Marfan Syndrome, Hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer, and Hereditary multiple exostoses, which is a highly penetrant autosomal dominant disorder. Birth defects are also called congenital anomalies.

Autosomal recessive
Main article: Autosomal dominant#Autosomal recessive allele
Two copies of the gene must be mutated for a person to be affected by an autosomal recessive disorder. An affected person usually has unaffected parents who each carry a single copy of the mutated gene (and are referred to as carriers). Two unaffected people who each carry one copy of the mutated gene have a 25% chance with each pregnancy of having a child affected by the disorder. Examples of this type of disorder are cystic fibrosis, sickle-cell disease (also partial sickle-cell disease), Tay-Sachs disease, Niemann-Pick disease, spinal muscular atrophy, Roberts Syndrome, and Dry (otherwise known as "rice-brand") earwax.[5]

X-linked recessive
Main article: X-linked recessive
X-linked recessive conditions are also caused by mutations in genes on the X chromosome. Males are more frequently affected than females, and the chance of passing on the disorder differs between men and women. The sons of a man with an X-linked recessive disorder will not be affected, and his daughters will carry one copy of the mutated gene. A woman who is a carrier of an X-linked recessive disorder (XRXr) has a 50% chance of having sons who are affected and a 50% chance of having daughters who carry one copy of the mutated gene and are therefore carriers. X-linked recessive conditions include the serious diseases Hemophilia A, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, and Lesch-Nyhan syndrome as well as common and less serious conditions such as male pattern baldness and red-green color blindness. X-linked recessive conditions can sometimes manifest in females due to skewed X-inactivation or monosomy X (Turner syndrome).

Main article: Y linkage
Y-linked disorders are caused by mutations on the Y chromosome. Because males inherit a Y chromosome from their fathers, every son of an affected father will be affected. Because females inherit an X chromosome from their fathers, female offspring of affected fathers are never affected.
Since the Y chromosome is relatively small and contains very few genes, there are relatively few Y-linked disorders.[citation needed] Often the symptoms include infertility, which may be circumvented with the help of some fertility treatments. Examples are Male Infertility and hypertrichosis pinnae.[citation needed]

Main article: Mitochondrial disease
This type of inheritance, also known as maternal inheritance, applies to genes in mitochondrial DNA. Because only egg cells contribute mitochondria to the developing embryo, only mothers can pass on mitochondrial conditions to their children. An example of this type of disorder is Leber's Hereditary Optic Neuropathy.

Multifactorial and polygenic (complex) disorders

Genetic disorders may also be complex, multifactorial or polygenic, this means that they are likely associated with the effects of multiple genes in combination with lifestyle and environmental factors. Multifactoral disorders include heart disease and diabetes. Although complex disorders often cluster in families, they do not have a clear-cut pattern of inheritance. This makes it difficult to determine a person’s risk of inheriting or passing on these disorders. Complex disorders are also difficult to study and treat because the specific factors that cause most of these disorders have not yet been identified.
On a pedigree, polygenic diseases do tend to “run in families”, but the inheritance does not fit simple patterns as with Mendelian diseases. But this does not mean that the genes cannot eventually be located and studied. There is also a strong environmental component to many of them (e.g., blood pressure).
autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis
cleft palate
heart disease
inflammatory bowel disease
mental retardation
mood disorder
refractive error

Ok How many above disese we homeopath cure and stop them from spreading from another generation.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Rubric of Mind and their meaning part 1

1. Absent Minded

Cross reference: Unobserving, distraction, forgetful, obstruction of mind, concentration difficult, preoccupied.

Meaning: Headless of one's surrounding, chronically forgetful.

Here habitually the patient forgets his routine. the above symptoms has nothing to do with the I.Q of an individual or his scholastic background, because many time even highly educated peoples suffer from this. Occasionally this could be presenting symptom of certain CNS disease e.g. Alzheimer's disease, brain tumor etc.

2.Absorbed, buried in thought

Cross reference: Reveries, Brooding Fancies, Absorbed,
Meaning: Engrossed

Patient having the above symptom are typically seen in an insane home where one can see case catatonic schizophrenia.

3 Antic Plays:

Cross reference: Grimaces, foolish behaviors, gesture strange.
Meaning: A mischievous act or gesture

This is commonly observed amongst school children who are in the habit of making fun and gesticulating in front of school teacher the Above phenomena is quite within their control but it may happen involuntarily in a diseased condition.

4.Abstraction of mind

Cross reference: Unobserving, absent minded, concentration difficult
Meaning: Unable to apply the mind without interruption.

whenever a patient want to apply his mind there is a distraction of his thinking process process, as a result he suffers. This is especially true when the patient wants to talk, read or write.

5 Abrupt

Meaning: Unexpectedly sudden, touching on one subject to another with sudden transitions rudely curt.

Here one may interpret the above rubric either as when a patient had developed a habit of doing things unexpectedly or changing the decision suddenly, howsoever important it may be or when the patient talks n a harsh tone esp. when he is questioned repeatedly, or it may be his routine way of talking with other peoples

Saturday, June 19, 2010

The miasmatic significance of symptoms ( CANDEGABE E. F.)

The importance of individual symptoms is secondary to the ways and conditions in which the whole group of symptoms presents itself.
- Also, there is a fundamental causative factor, discernible through the case history of the patient, which has created a certain mental attitude, and which will guide us to the choice of the most exact prescription, according to its mode of action.
- As we have seen, the relative value of a symptom is determined by its meaning, intention and result.
- A symptom is an expression of a vital phenomenon, as dynamic and three-dimensional as the world we live in.

- If we assume that every patient is basically tri-miasmatic, the labels `psoric', `sycotic' or `syphilitic' will indicate nothing more than a certain tendency of the vital force.
- The patient's collection of symptoms will add a quality of dynamism and relativity to this tendency.
- This point is illustrated by the following example: Lycopodium's aversion to company could be considered to be psoric when it reflects his feelings of incompetence, sycotic when seen as a way of hiding his weakness in order to muster his forces and win some victory, and decidedly syphilitic when coupled with a feeling of complete failure, total indifference to everything, and weariness of life.

- One can equally consider the symptom `Sympathetic', which denotes an exaggerated sense of compassion for other people's suffering.
- In Phosphorus, with his hypersensitivity to all external impressions and his feelings of universal love, this could be considered to be a psoric symptom.
- In Nitric Acid, whose hatred and resentment of those who have wronged him fuels a deep desire for revenge and destruction - which in turn is tempered by his guilty conscience - the symptom `Sympathetic' could be regarded as both sycotic and syphilitic.
- The phagadenic ulcers with jagged margins are visible illustrations of this merging of the two miasms.
- In Lycopodium, the symptom could be seen as a sycotic reflection of his apparently over-protective nature, while his secret sense of pride and self-satisfaction remain hidden from view.

- Ultimately, the miasmatic significance of the symptoms in a case will become apparent in the thread which runs through the patient's story.
- This will reveal the meaning of his life, his work and his quest, and the symptoms will acquire greater or lesser value according to the contribution they make to the meaning, intention and result.
- The human soul and psyche are by their nature fluid and will not fit neatly into any rigid framework.

It follows that a group of apparently sycotic symptoms, such as meticulous attention to detail, amelioration by occupation and intolerance of contradiction, will not by itself convey the picture of a remedy, unless the symptoms are expressed in terms of the fundamental cause - the origins of the remedy which will be homoeopathic according to its mode of action.
- Hence, we find that the sycotic Sepia has a syphilitic indifference to everything; the sycotic Silicea shows his tubercular roots through his severe lack of self-confidence, his timidity and his fear of failure; and the sycosis of Thuja is typified by his egotism, irritability and anxiety of conscience.
- Clearly, a differential diagnosis must be based on the medical history of the patient, which will indicate the fundamental cause and mode of action of the syphilitic indifference of Sepia, the psoric timidity and fear of Silicea and the sycotic abnormalities of Thuja.

- In other words, whether we find that a certain case leans towards the psoric, sycotic or syphilitic will depend on the theme which runs through the meaning, the intention, and the quest.
- The medical history, with details of vaccinations, suppressive drug treatments, hereditary factors etc., will give an indication of the predominating miasms in the patient's past and present.
- But, more importantly, it is his mental attitude, his hopes, desires and ambitions, that will reveal the extent of the influence of a given miasm on his current state of health.

- If we were, however, to stick rigidly to the miasmatic framework where every symptom is categorised as psoric, sycotic or syphilitic, without reference to the totality of symptoms nor to the human being who experiences them, we would ultimately fail in our responsibility towards our patients.

- We must always bear in mind that, while theoretical dogma is by its nature rigid, its practical application should be responsive to the ever-changing dynamic of symptoms which are working at all times to achieve and maintain balance within the organism.

- We should therefore always base our examination of the active miasm on the fundamental cause of the case history, in order to arrive at a correct diagnosis.
- It is of course useful to study a remedy miasmatically or through the repertory, but even the best tools have their limitations, and the resulting information will be static unless it is brought to life by `the Art' which Kent speaks about, the vital essence at the heart of the remedy.
- The human being is the highest form of life, is both the observer and the observed, and his or her essence is as dynamic and mysterious as life itself.

- Nowadays the practice of homoeopathy presents us with many more problems than in Kent's time.
- When Hahnemann was practising, one-sided cases were very rarely seen, according to Paragraph 177; now we have to deal with cases where the use of allopathic drugs has deformed and silenced the natural language of the disease, where the systematic suppression of the symptoms of the defence mechanism and the increasing use of psychotropic drugs have reinforced the drug miasm to an unprecedented degree.
- In view of this, I would recommend the reader to study Paragraphs 171 to 185, where Hahnemann discusses the problem of one-sided cases and gives clear and concise guidelines for dealing with them.
- Nevertheless, the reader should bear in mind that the application of these guidelines would tax the skill of even the most experienced homoeopath, and he may well find that some of his questions remain unanswered.

We read in Paragraphs 9 and 11 that disease is not an accident, but rather the expression of a deranged vital force which inhibits our self-development.
- Cure, or the restoration of health, is not simply a matter of removing symptoms; it is the mobilising of the law of cure, from the centre to the periphery and from the mind to the organs.
- Cure involves the realisation of the duty which originated with the miracle of our birth, the duty we all share as unique human beings - the duty of self-fulfilment.
- Disease is disharmony, malfunction, fear, pride, aggression, overgrowth and decay.
- Health is harmony, inner freedom, joy in love, and the will to serve.

- A state of absolute health is in fact unattainable, but as we strive we progress along the way, and the attainment becomes our lifelong objective.

- If disease is the expression of a deranged vital force which inhibits the spirit from realising the higher purposes of its existence, then the initiation of the process of cure will be heralded by an inner sense of peace, as the spirit and the conscience become at one with each other.

- If the attainment of perfect health were humanly possible, we would never get ill.
- Our state of ill health, which has been so from birth, is due to the disturbance and disruption created by the miasms on our defence mechanisms.
- Disease is but a frustrated attempt at cure.
- Disease and cure are different aspects of the same vital process.

- If the symptoms of disease are miasmatic, the symptoms of cure are amiasmatic: they are an expression of the search for those higher purposes of our existence.
- The symptom may be the same, but its quality or essence is different; as I have already remarked, the quality of the miasmatic symptom is dependence, the essence of the amiasmatic symptom is freedom.

As Rilke said, disease is the organism's way of liberating itself from foreign matter.
- Our task is to help it to have its disease, fully and completely, until it comes to a head and erupts, and then moves on along the path of progress.
- I am talking here about progress in the universal sense of the origins and meaning of existence, which underlies all religious philosophy, Adler's concept of a common humanity, or Jung's concept of the collective unconscious.

- Let us return to Paragraph 9 of the Organon, which says of this apparent anomaly `...so that our indwelling, reason-gifted mind can freely employ this living healthy instrument for the higher purposes of our existence'.
- If we can accept that disease is the organism's attempt to liberate itself from a miasm, we will then appreciate the true value of disease and perceive more clearly our part in the solution of the problem.
- Thus will spirit triumph over matter and humankind will progress towards self-realization.